Saturday, March 24, 2012

As if you didn't have enough to worry about these days, Michael Walsh over at the Corner has put up a great article on the fundamental issue facing modern societies.  His argument reminds me of the warning from the Catholic Pope of the rise of what he termed a "culture of death" in the West, which judging by this article, cannot be ignored any longer.

From the article:

 "The Western world is facing an unparalleled demographic crisis brought on by a feminist-inspired modern twist on Lysistrata (showering sex but withholding children), while at the same time, the West’s vaunted “safety net” is collapsing because the system has been turned upside-down and a bevy of great-grandparents now coos over a single child.
Surely, this is the ultimate expression of the suicide cult that is the modern Left, a subset of libertine takers that so loathes itself that it will dragoon the makers into underwriting the chalices of tasty hemlock it’s so eager for everybody to quaff in order to put itself out of its misery. If, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody, it feels good, do it! Alas, it does hurt somebody — it hurts society, by robbing it of its future and burdening those lucky kids who make it through the contraceptive/abortifacient gauntlet with an unpayable debt to the very people who tried to get rid of them."

Is that not the rub?  Our culture must change itself back to what it was, or it really is facing extinction in time.  Might as well start now, and the election of Mitt Romney, a Mormon with a big family, could very well be the first step back from the edge.  I know I've done my part with three kids of my own.

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